The Prophecies of Eve

The Prophecies of Eve
Kevin James Bell

Kevin James Bell is the author of the upcoming novel The Prophecies of Eve - a fantasy story that is bound to jump off of the shelves. Currently, Kevin is offering for any potential and interested readers the chance to get a secret-glimpse at the first two chapters. If you have the five minutes or ten minutes to read something - stop what you are doing and read The Prophecies of Eve. The first two chapters of this book are beautiful and reminiscent of some of the greatest works in the genre. While in the beginning of the first chapter I had my doubts, they were quickly erased as Eve began her journey. With a riveting development early on - I would be intrigued to dive into the rest of the book to learn about the further development of Eve as a fairy and what the fates held for her. I believe one of my favorite aspects of the book very early on is the message behind the story. There is an evident theme that is an essential teaching of life. The interactions between the Grandmother and Eve are also perfect for the development of her character. To top this all off, the images of the book are designed and created by the author himself, Kevin James Bell. They add a unique flair to his story-telling and will drive his book to success. If you have a chance, check this book out! For more details, check out the link above!

A full review of this book will be coming shortly!!!
