The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan Book Review

The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan
Book Review

I am SO excited to finally be sharing my book review with all of you today about one of my NEW favorite books of all-time: The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan. This book is easily one of the most inspirational and life-transforming books that I have ever read. In a world that is constantly distracted and truly does not understand the depths and purity of Gratitude, Janice Kaplan seeks to remove their veil herself. After a journey in her life of automatic and ingratitude, she realized it is time to make a change? ARE YOU? 

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The full book review for the Gratitude Diaries can be found at the following website:

I came across The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan one day as I was doing personal research for my book on the topic. Upon reading the introduction to the New York Times bestselling book, I was captivated, intrigued and sold. Now, I do not say this quite often at all. I firmly believe that every single human being walking on planet Earth should read this book. It is not only life-transformative, it’s life-enlightening.
The concept of The Gratitude Diaries was an idea that came to Kaplan on New Year’s Eve. With the hustle and bustle of society, especially in New York City, Kaplan made it her personal resolution to dedicate 365 days to gratitude and appreciation. Rather than finding fault in things the way so many people do, Kaplan’s intention was to see the silver lining and the bright side of everything.
The entire book is not necessarily written like a diary; however, it is actually based upon Kaplan’s personal diary over the course of her 12 month resolution. Each chapter is dedicated to a specific month and theme. For an example, there is a month (chapter) dedicated to appreciating your loved one more. In another chapter, she depicts how gratitude can help in the hardest of times, which is one of the heaviest chapters of them all. Furthermore, she has carefully constructed a book that is dedicated to appreciating and understanding gratitude in the 12 most vital and imperative aspects of life. Kaplan definitely deserves her bestselling author status and her invitations to do interviews for companies like Google.
Now, many people who often think about the ideology of gratitude believe that they are grateful in their life. Reading The Gratitude Diaries gave me a whole new perspective on what it means to be truly grateful each and every day. As you explore and dive through this book, Kaplan beautifully constructs the notion that many people have actually become so ACCUSTOMED to the material possessions around them that much of their life has become background noise. This philosophy was a complete Oprah Winfrey “Aha” moment for me..... Continue at
