Game of Thrones - To Live and To Die Interview with Lizzie Dunlap

Game of Thrones Interview with Lizzie Dunlap
To Live and to Die

Cue the music and bake the cupcakes because Game of Thrones Season 7 is ALMOST HERE! Gripping our chairs and constantly seeking the latest fan theories and spoilers – George RR Martin has created a literature addiction. That is write, a literature addiction. Did you catch my witty pun? With Winter just passing, George seems to believe Winter is Coming. We are eagerly awaiting how the white fuzzy people with blue eyes are going to continue spreading their torment and how Cersei will reign as Queen, finally. Better yet, what is going to happen with Sansa and Jon? The mystery awaits behind the veil that is about to be revealed to YOU! So, in efforts to bring forth a new light and new information for the upcoming season, I caught up with Lizzie Dunlap, an avid reader, viewer and writer, to discuss the juicy details. If you are seeking more details on the phenomenal Lizzie Dunlap, please check out my recent post about her, here!

The interview serves to entertain and to forecast what is to come. Her answers WILL shock you and slightly blow your mind. After nearly talking for 2 or more hours, the result is only a couple of sentences away. Don’t skip too fast! If you have not read any of George RR Martin’s installments on A Song of Ice and Fire, please check out the following books to catch up! You don’t have much time!!

Interview with Lizzie Dunlap

1)  We finally made it to the interview! I am super excited to hear what you’re thinking and what you are anticipating come Season 7. Let’s jump straight in. Why do you like Game of Thrones? What makes it so addicting and good?

I love history of the British Royal Family, especially the Tudor family period. That is how it was pitched to me. So I love that – and the fact it is realistic. I can totally see this being a time in history. It also doesn’t censor itself, it is unpredictable.

TOTALLY! One of George RR Martin’s hidden talents is just that! Did you know that the story was partly based on reality?

Yeah!! I never got a steeper story about that but I knew it was truthy. Minus the dragons though – UNLESS, THERE WERE DRAGONS!!

True to Size Dragon

2)  Wait, were there dragons? Do you think, Nero? Rome? Rome on fire? Are you picking up on what I am putting down?? I digress, Where did we leave off in Season 6?

Simply put, Jon rose from the dead – a TARGARYEN! Cersei make a boom happen – becomes queen. Dany finally got her ships after 6 seasons. Bran is now marked by the White Walkers. Oh – and Ramsy, he dead. The most important thing to note is that Dany got her way, Cersei got hers, and Jamie and Brienne still have not done the dirty-dirty.

3)  That boom was crazy – but I think we knew she was up to something. So, let me ask, who is your favorite character and why?

I really like Tyrion Lannister. I honestly think he’d make the best ruler out of all the possible candidates. He’s really smart and knows how to get what he wants. He is also really kind – something must characters don’t have.

4)  Fair enough – let’s flip the coin over. Who is your least favorite and why?

There are so many obvious answers for this because the show has no shortage of a$$h$%@. I think my least favorite Character is Bran – he has never truly interested me. I was so glad his story was left out in an earlier season. It picked back up again, a little, especially if it goes where I think it’s going.

I am shocked. I have never heard anyone say Bran! Always someone like Ramsey or Sansa or Joffrey. But Bran? Where do you think it’s going?

I hope, and this has some backing with things in the book, but it’s not confirmed either way, just yet, Bran will go back in time and become that thing that drives Aerys II The Mad King, Mad. He kept talking about hearing voices, and bran could be the voices he heard while in the past. He kept repeating “Burn them all,” which is how you kill white walkers. I’d love to see this happen – I think OMG would be on a different level.

"Oh my gosh!"

*SHOCKED* I am shocked by what you just said. This would make total logical sense in every way! That would add such a complexity to the story that is just MIND BLOWING! Lizzie +2 for that one. I need a minute to digest that thought.

6)  What were your thoughts on Jon Snow coming back?

I was glad. Like when the writers kept insisting that he was dead, I was like, oh you’re blowing it out your ass. I was very happy with it. I liked the theory of him warging into Ghost before dying – but they didn’t go that way with it. I am hoping it will Segway somehow into Lady Stone Heart – or they just did the same concept with Jon and won’t have her. That would be disappointing – I would love to see some Starks come back. Like NED! Not Robb though – he can stay dead. He is better off dead than alive. Just saying.

7)  I get a feeling that someone did not like Robb Stark very much….What was that whole deal with Lady Melisandre and the necklace?

When I first saw that, I immediately thought of the common theme with magic in tv now. Magic comes with a price. (Rumpelstiltskin) She did a lot of magic since we last saw her naked, and most of it was not white magic. I think the price of doing black magic is losing your beauty. Or she is the only one aging, since that baby has been a baby for like five seasons now.

Are you talking about little sam?

YES, HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN A BABY!! He should be my daughter’s age!

8)  What about Dany’s epic walking scene coming back with Drogon – wasn’t that intense!

I liked that, but I also liked when she killed all the Khals. She is pure badass. Her coming back with Drogon when everything was going to shit – and then it was like OMG , she’s back okay. 

Do you think she can make it to King’s Landing?

Yes, totally. I think she has the potential to be more-cruel than everyone in King’s Landing and that is saying something. She knows what she wants and she will get it.

9)  She does have some Mad King in her – that sounded wrong. But, wait. If Bran was the voice in the Mad King, could Bran be the calming voice in Dany? BOOM!!!! Let’s move a little North of Dany to King’s Landing. Cersei, Cersei, Cersei. She is finally queen! After 6 seasons, and three dead children – what are your thoughts?

It is obvious she’s a complete bitch, but she’s really strong. She has been through more than everyone realizes. A husband that openly cheated on her, her lover doesn’t want her anymore, really, she lived through her horror of a son, so now she’s finally doing whatever she wants. Her children might have held her back, like “No I shouldn’t do that because my kids would be in danger.” Now there are no stops. All bets are off. She is going to be fully unleashed: MEGA BITCH CERSEI, that is her advanced form.

You are hilarious and I adore your explanations. Now that the high septon is dead as well – the entire cult is gone.

I’m glad, he was really ugh. The entire religion was far too realistic. I would not follow a religion that is so cruel to people.

10) With season 7 around the corner, who is the first character to die?

Well that is hard. I think most of the main characters have too much story ahead for them to die. Just from what we have seen in the past few episodes, maybe those traitor bitches that killed Myrcella, or some minor character that’s been around for a while.

*Very slowly* You mean the ladies of Dorne?

YES! They’re cool and all – but they’re begging to be shafted.

They are currently hanging out with Lady Olena, right?

Yeah, Id love to see her ways to get even. (Evil Grin) Lady O is smarter than people think.

11) Do you think Arya will remove some names from her list?

No, I really don’t see her being the one who actually kills those people.

12) Interesting! I like that perspective, more realistic point of view. Will Cersei and Dany meet this season?

Face to face, if that happens, it will most likely be the last episode of the last minutes, leading into the last season. But I don’t think until Cersei dies. UNLESS, they decide to braid each other’s hair and join forces. Can you imagine that, Cersei and Dany chowing down some crumpets, sipping some tea and wine, braiding each other’s hair. Sounds like a Lifetime movie.
"Yay! Let's Braid Each Other's Hair!"

13) Yess!!!!! Who knows, that could be the plot twist and shocking moment. All of Episode 9, a tea sipping conversation about how life has been? Anyone? So, Lizzie, what can we anticipate from Season 7?

Honestly – expect Sansa to leave the north and to lead her own army. That’s right, Sansa Stark leading an army. I see her stabbing Little finger and taking his army. Evil Bitch Sansa, that is her advanced form.

14) I am not sure what just happened there. I was not expecting that at all! Shocked! As a writer, who do you see having the best time this season?

Arya – she is finally back after all this time. She is going to be a kid in a candy store. I hate you, you’re dead. I hate you, dead, you suck, stab. Her entire story has been leading up to this moment. I can see her trying to kill Cersei and not be able to, not like she stops herself, missing the chance to do so.

15) The infamous question of it all! Who is going to win the Game?

Tyrion. I just had the image of him sitting on the iron throne with the building destroyed. But I don’t see him as a king. He would be the best one – but not king.

So to win the game, do you need to be king?

Hell no!! The Winner is the one still alive at the end of the TV Show. This is like Survivor. Rickon, you are the weakest link, goodbye!

But what happens when they are reborn a white walker? They are no longer the weakest link, so hello?

In that case, maybe the white walker king will be the winner?

If Bran could control time, could he not just rid the world of White Walkers?

That brings up the question of is time changeable or not. Does going back in time truly change things, or has it already been effected before you even went back, like Hodor. Ohhh, snap! What if Bran creates the White Walkers by trying to stop them from being created!!! In which case, why Bran, WHY!


16) What do you think George RR Martin is thinking?

“Finally I have a story where I can do whatever I want and no one bitches about it!” With a tv show, there are set rules and whether people understand that or not, Game of Thrones has no rules. He has absolute control over what happens, that is true writing freedom. Beyond no unicorns popping up. Man, imagine Game of Thrones with Unicorns.

17) They might be possessed given the culture of Westeros. Possessed Unicorns. One of the last questions, If you could play any character who would it be?

Brienne of Tarth, she is loyal and Jamie has the hots for her.

18) WE MADE IT TO THE END!!! We are going to play a rapid-fire game of To Live and to Die. I am going to say a name. As fast as possible, say to live or to die. If you say to die, I need a reason how or why.

Let’s do it!

Cersei -  Dead, I want her to get eaten by a dragon. But, I think what you said about Jamie killing her would be the best option.

Dany – To Live

Jon – To Live, he already died.

Melisandre – To Die, Old age and sickness, magic.

Sansa – To Die, Arya, for being evil.

Littlefinger – To Die, very, very deliciously dead. An accidental death.

Varys – To Live, being right there at the end saying something mildly profound, with his hands in his sleeves.

Tyrion – To Live

Arya – To Live as the Lady of Winterfell or a Wandering Killer.

Bran – To Live. I hope he gets his legs back somehow. Maybe he becomes a white walker or something cool. Maybe he will get stuck in the past and then comes out of nowhere old and a badass. MAYBE the Lord of Winterfell. That is a stretch, he has a long way to go.

Brienne Alive and fabulous.

Jamie Alive and with Brienne.

“Brienne and Jamie sitting in a tree.”

Jorah To Die, still in the friendzone. The disease.

The MountainTo Die, Dragon

The HoundTo Die, Arya

Sam and little SamTo live, very cute but still a baby…….

The White WalkersTo die, defeated in battle by the North, dragon glass, dragons.

Drogon and the DragonsTo Live, maybe not all three but Dragons will live. Hopefully they find eggs and have baby dragons. I would not put it past them!

Ghost To Live, the red eyes, Targaryen blood, OF COURSE!

NymeriaTo Live, with Arya wandering.

 If you were a character – would you be alive or deadI’d live. I’d find the most remote location and live there safely. If threatened, I would just flash them. Sex is a weapon and Game of Thrones, I would win.

"The Winner of Game of Thrones is..."

That was AMAZING! What an amazing and fun interview with Lizzie Dunlap. I was shocked and surprised by so many of her answers. With such an interesting perspective – she opened my eyes to a whole new way of thought for the future of Game of Thrones. We both did finish the conversation discussing how impressive writer George RR Martin is for creating such a masterpiece. The complexities of the show and book are so beautiful and amazing that any writer looks to him as an inspiration.

Well everyone, that is it for the first official interview on Game of Thrones. We hope you enjoyed this and we would love to hear your thoughts! Stay tuned and up to date with what is to come! Share this post with your friends, comment below and subscribe by email to get constant updates. Lastly, Lizzie and I have a couple more surprises coming down the road – get yourself ready! Grab the books from the Books to Buy or above. Check out Lizzie’s website and her book now on Amazon: 

L - “Winter is Coming! Remember it is going to get cold.”

R- “They say that so much. Geeze. It’s been five seasons of Winter is Coming. It is like their way of saying hello. Like Aye Mate! Winter is Coming! How the heck are ye!”

L - “Totally. Like may the force be with you. Maybe it is an inside joke and they are saying it just for kicks.”

R- “Maybe George’s least favorite season is Winter.

L – “Can you imagine him sitting in the Iron Throne saying, “For all those Winters I was snowed in!””

---- Till Next Time ----

- Lizzie DunlapWebsite - http://www.lizziedunlap.wordpress.comInstagram - -
