Game of Thrones - To Live and to Die - Coming Soon with Lizzie Dunlap

Game of Thrones - To Live and to Die 
Coming Soon with Lizzie Dunlap

Cue the music! Do you hear it? That's right - in only a few months, Game of Thrones will return and we will all be trapped in an addiction waiting for the next Sunday to find out who will live and who will die. With Cersei as the Queen, Dany on her way to Kings Landing (EVENTUALLY), and the white fuzzy dead people with blue eyes, do you have a clue as to what is going to happen? If logic would say something, Bran might be dead and so might Sansa. Optimistically, logic does not work in Westeros. 

With so many fan-theories and potential spoilers, so many people are scouring for as much information as possible. On top of it, there is no sixth book JUST yet. Understandingly so - there is such a mystery as to what is going to happen and it has fans gripping their panties, hoping their favorite doesn't die this season. With all of this excitement, anxiety and hype - Lizzie Dunlap and I decided to have a good ol' conversation about Game of Thrones. As writers, we decided to break down what has happened in Season 6 and what to expect in Season 7. So, if you are seeking some spoilers or some unconventional logic as to how the story will progress this season - YOU ARE IN LUCK! 

Prepare yourself for greatness or prepare yourself for some craziness. Not only will we discuss what to expect in Season 7 - we will do a To Live or To Die Challenge. All of this and more is coming soon and we are so excited to share this with you! In the mean time, make sure you have the latest book and you are caught up. We are going to recap some of the books - click the image for more! 

Greatness Coming Soon!!!!!!
