Books to Buy is OPEN!

Books to Buy is OPEN!

It is official! This is extremely exciting news. On top of blogs, short stories, book reviews and all different spins on writing, I also have put together a store for you to buy my favorite books. I will constantly be updating the Books to Buy section so please always check back and see what is being featured! 

All of the books that are featured in this sectioned are the books that I believe every human being should read. Whether your tastes are fiction, non-fiction, mystery, crime, science-fiction - anything! These books are for all of you; they are inspiring in every way imaginable. If you happen to purchase any of these books, please come back and share your thoughts have you have read the book. 

Now, if you are reading this right now and want to see YOUR book featured in the Books to Buy, please take a minute and use that contact box on the right hand size of your screen. Provide as much information as possible, including links to where your product is being hosted and a summary of your book. 

*Please note, I will not feature every single book in the Books to Buy. I will need to review and read any book that is featured. Please keep that in mind before requesting. I will do a review of your book if this is your intention.*
